太田 明徳

専門分野: 細胞遺伝学、微生物学、脂質生化学

1971年 6月 東京大学農学部農芸化学科卒業
1973年 3月 東京大学大学院農学研究科修士課程修了
1976年 3月 東京大学大学院農学研究科博士課程修了
1976年 3月 農学博士(東京大学)
1976年 4月 東京大学付属応用微生物研究所研究生
1977年 1月 米国テキサス大学医学部ヒューストン分校博士研究員
~79年 9月
1979年 10月 埼玉大学理学部助手
~86年 1月
1986年 2月 埼玉大学理学部助教授
~91年 3月
1991年 4月 東京大学農学部助教授
~99年 7月
1999年 8月 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科教授
~12年 3月
2007年 4月 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科評議員・副研究科長
~09年 3月
2012年 4月 東京農業大学応用生物科学部非常勤講師・客員教授
~19年 3月
2012年 6月 東京大学名誉教授
2013年 4月 中部大学応用生物学部教授
2014年 4月 中部大学評議員
2014年 4月 中部大学研究推進機構長
~17年 3月
2014年 4月 中部大学国際センター長
~15年 3月
2016年 4月 中部大学蝶類研究資料館長
2018年 4月 中部大学国際関係学部長
~20 年 3月
2019年 4月 学校法人中部大学総長補佐

2003年 4月 日本生化学会評議員、日本脂質生化学会幹事
2004年 4月 日本農芸化学会「化学と生物」誌編集委員長
~06年 3 月
2006年 4月 日本農芸化学会理事・関東支部長・東京大会実行委員長
~09年 3 月
2009年 4月 日本学術会議連携会員、日本農芸化学会副会長、酵母遺伝学フォーラム会長
~11年 3月
2011年 5月 日本農芸化学会会長
~13年 4月
2012年 3月 公益財団法人野田産業科学研究所 評議員・研究開発評価委員
2013年 4月 独立行政法人酒類総合研究所研究開発評価委員会委員(委員長)
2014年 4月 日本農芸化学会名誉会員
2015年 4月 公益財団法人農芸化学研究奨励会理事長
2015年 4月 公益財団法人応用微生物学・分子細胞生物学研究奨励会監事
2017年 4月 公益財団法人野田産業科学研究所 理事
2020年 4月 一般財団法人バイオインダストリー協会大賞選考委員

1986年 3月 日本農芸化学会農芸化学奨励賞

芳賀 正明


1972年 5月 東京⼤学⼯学部 航空学科卒業
⽇本航空株式会社 ⼊社
1995年 4月 整備本部技術部技術計画室⻑
1997年 4月 整備本部⽻⽥整備事業部機体整備部⻑
2002年 4月 整備本部⽻⽥整備事業部⻑
2004年 4月 執⾏役員整備本部副本部⻑
2006年 4月 執⾏役員安全推進本部副本部⻑
2007年 4月 取締役整備本部⻑
2008年 4月 常務取締役整備本部⻑
2010年 1月 ⽇本航空株式会社 退社
2010年 6月 空港施設株式会社 代表取締役副社⻑
2011年 6月 空港施設株式会社 退社
2011年 7月 株式会社コーチ・エィ 顧問就任
2011年 12月 Strategic Communication Research Institute株式会社 取締役
2018年 11月 株式会社コーチ・エィ 顧問退任

F. Blaine Metting, Jr., Ph.D.

Science Advisor
Consultant in Microbial Biotechnology & Carbon Sequestration Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (retired)

2014- present Science Advisor, Utilization of CO Institute, Co., LLC, Japan Global Advisory Board Member, The Global CO Initiative, San Francisco CA, USA
Consultant (1997-present), Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Japan
Consultant, Green Earth Institute Co., LLC, Tokyo Co-Founder & Board Member (1979-present), R&A Plant-Soil, Inc., Pasco WA, USA
1990- 2014 Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland WA, USA.
PNNL is a US Department of Energy (DOE) Multiprogram Laboratory operated for the federal government by BMI, Columbus, Ohio 1993- 2014 Manager, PNNL Fundamental and Computational Sciences Product Line & Commercial Sector 1990- 1993 Senior Research Scientist, PNN ・ At PNNL, Dr. Metting shared responsibility for program development and research oversight of biological and environmental sciences, including programs supported by the DOE Office of Science (DOE-SC), the National Institutes of Health and private industry.
On assignment to DOE-SC, beginning in the 1990’s, he contributed to conceptualization, development and management of national programs in Subsurface Science, Natural & Accelerated Bioremediation Research (NABIR), Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration & Global Climate Science, and the GTL: Genomes to Life initiative, DOE’s pioneering microbial genomics program.
Dr. Metting also participated in PNNL’s internal initiative in Bio-Based Products, culminating in the joint PNNL-Washington State University Bioproducts Sciences & Engineering Laboratory. ・ From 2008-2011, Dr. Metting worked with Battelle-Malaysia to design a world-class Renewable Energy Laboratory for Petronas, the state oil company of Malaysia. He was responsible for the biological sciences component. ・ Dr. Metting served from 2004-2006 as Chair of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Microalgae Biofixation Network, predecessor to the Algae Biomass Organization (ABO). 1989- 1990 Project Scientist, Cyanotech Corporation, Hawaii, USA (microalgae products) 1998- 1989 Principal Microbiologist, Enviros Corporation, Redmond WA, USA (bioremediation) 1987- 1998 Research Associate, Tufts University Medical School, Boston MA, USA (molecular ecology) 1987 Participant in the US-India Science & Technology Initiative sponsored by the Agency for International Development, including microalgae research centers in Bangalore, Madurai and Delhi. 1979- 1987 Co-Founder & Vice President for Research & Development, R&A Plant Soil, Inc., Pasco, WA USA. Current member, corporate Board of Directors. ・ R&A Plant-Soil was incorporated in 1979 as a microbial biotechnology company focused on mass culture of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria & soil-conditioning, palmelloid microalgae for organic agriculture.
Dr. Metting secured Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and DOE, as well contracts from SERI, the Solar Energy Research Institute (since renamed NREL). ・ The company transitioned to traditional & organic fertilizers in the 1990’s and remains profitable.

1979 Ph.D., Washington State University (Botany)
1975 M.S., Washington State University (Botany)
1972 B.A., Whitman College (Liberal Arts)
1984- 1986 University of Washington (MBA coursework, including Financial & Management Accounting)
Selected Publications:
(> 40 total, including 25 refereed research articles) (Selected to highlight breadth of research interests from Microalgae Biotechnology to Carbon Sequestration)

CT Garten Jr., DJ Brice, HF Castro, RL Graham, MA Mayes, JR Phillips, WM Post III, CW Schadt, SD Wullschleger, DD Tyler, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, R Matamala, RM Miller, KK Moran, TW Vugteveen, RC Izaurralde, AM Thomson, TO West, JE Amonette, VL Bailey, FB Metting, JL Smith. 2011.
Response of “Alamo” switchgrass tissue chemistry and biomass to nitrogen fertilization in West Tennessee, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140: 289-297.

CT Garten, Jr., JL Smith, DD Tyler, JE Amonette, VL Bailey, DJ Brice, HF Castro, RL Graham, CA Gunderson, RC Izaurralde, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, MK Kerley, R Matamala, MA Mayes, FB Metting, RM Miller, KK Moran, WM Post, RD Sands, CW Schadt, JR Phillips, AM Thomson, T Vugteveen, TO West, and SD Wullschleger. 2010. Intra-annual changes in biomass, carbon, and nitrogen dynamics at 4-year old switchgrass field trials in West Tennessee, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 136: 177-184

M Huesemann, G Roesjadi, JR Benemann and FB Metting. 2009. Biofuels from Microalgae and Seaweeds. In: Biomass to Biofuels. Strategies for Global Industries. A.A. Vertes, H. Yukawa et al., (Eds.). Wiley & Sons, New York.

WM Post, JE Amonette, R Birdsey, CT Garten Jr., RC Izaurralde, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, R Lal, G Marland, BA McCarl, AM Thomson, TO West, SD Wullschleger, and FB Metting. 2009. Terrestrial Biological Carbon Sequestration: Science for Enhancement and Implementation. In (B. McPherson and E. Sundquist, Eds.) Science and Technology of Carbon Sequestration, Geophysical Monograph 183, American Geophysical Union.

B McCarl, FB Metting, C Rice (co-Editors.). 2007. Special Issue: The Science, Technology & Economics of Soil Carbon Sequestration for Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Climatic Change 80: 1-197.

NJ Rosenberg, FB Metting. RC Izaurralde (co-Editors). 2004. Applications of Biotechnology to Mitigation of Greenhouse Warming. Proceedings, 2 St. Michaels Workshop. Battelle Press, Columbus.

Metting, FB. 1996. Biodiversity and applications of microalgae. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 17, 477-489. (special volume) D. E. Eveleigh and J. C. Hunter-Cevera (co-Editors).

MJ Graham, J.M Thomas and FB Metting. 1996. Groundwater. Chapter 11 In: Handbook of Water Resources. L. W. Mays (Editor-in-Chief). McGraw-Hill.

Metting, FB. 1994. Algae and cyanobacteria.
Chapter 18 (pp. 427-458) In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3. Microbiological and Biochemical Properties.
3rd edition. R. W.Weaver et al. (Eds.) American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America,Madison, Wisconsin.

Metting, FB. Editor. 1993. Soil Microbial Ecology. Applications in Agricultural and Environmental Management. Marcel Dekker, New York City. 646 pp. (Dr. Metting wrote or co-authored 4 chapters)

pre-1990: Contributed chapters to volumes entitled Algae and Human Affairs (Cambridge University Press), Micro-algae Biotechnology (Wiley Interscience), Applied Phycology (Klyuvier), The Rhizosphere (Wiley & Sons), Semi-Arid Lands and Deserts (2 chapters, Taylor & Francis); and refereed research articles in Applied & Environmental Microbiology, Applied Phycology Forum, Journal of Phycology, Phycologia (2), Arid Land Management, Soil Science (2), and Soil Science of America Journal.

Selected Activities:
Board of Directors, Oregon Bioscience Association (representing Battelle Northwest Division/PNNL, 2002-2012)
Battelle/PNNL Representative to Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical Association (1991- 1998)
Editorial Board Member, Arid Land Management (1995-2015)
Program Committee Member for BIO-sponsored World Congresses on Industrial Biotechnology and Pacific Rim Summits on Industrial Microbiology & Bioenergy (annually since inception of each series in early 2000s).
Ad Hoc Peer Reviewer, Journal of Phycology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Annals of Botany, Applied Phycology, Soil Science, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, National Cancer Institute (Natural Products Branch, Developmental Therapeutics Division), Department of Agriculture
Chair, 1996 Hanford Symposium on Health & the Environment. Microbial Genome Research: Science and Applications (early days of “shotgun sequencing”: J. Craig Venter was keynote speaker at Metting’s invitation.)
Steering Committee Member, Gas Research Institute program on "Determination of Environmentally-Acceptable Endpoints for Soil Bioremediation" (1993-1995).
American Academy of Microbiology Workshop on Strategies and Mechanisms for Field Research in Environmental Bioremediation (1993)
Teaching (1980s)
Adjunct Faculty, Washington State University – Graduate level courses in Phycology and Soil Microbiology
Columbia Basin College (Pasco, WA) – Introductory Microbiology

Dr. Alain Vertès

Business Strategy Advisor

Managing Director at NxR Biotechnologies

Dr. Alain Vertès is Managing Director at NxR Biotechnologies, a global boutique consulting firm based in Basel, Switzerland, where he advises on strategy, business development (partnering, alliance management, in- and out-licensing, commercialisation), entrepreneurship and investment in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and sustainable chemistry industries. NxR's track record comprises projects with big pharmas, biotechs, generics companies, financial investors, CROs, academia, and start-ups.

Dr. Vertès came to this role after extensive experience in the pharmaceutical and industrial biotechnology sectors, in Europe, North America, and Asia in different functions including research, manufacturing, partnering, and sales, in pharmaceuticals (Lilly, Pfizer, Roche), petrochemicals (Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation), public research (Institut Pasteur; RITE/Kyoto), contract research (Battelle Memorial Institute, PPD/BioDuro) and consulting (Australian Strategic Policy Institute). Focusing on innovation commercialization, he was a key player in the evaluation, selection, deal making, implementation, and alliance management of novel products and emerging technologies. For example, he championed radical innovation for bringing to patients disease-modifying, paradigm￾changing therapeutics such as siRNA (Scrip Award 2008) and led in a scientific, strategic, and business manner Roche’s global cell therapeutics strategy and implementation team from 2007- 2010.

Dr. Vertès received an M.Sc. degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a PhD from the University of Lille Flandres Artois, and is a Sloan Fellow from London Business School (MBA/M.Sc.).

Relevant publications:

Vertès, A. A., Qureshi, N., Caplan, A. I., & Babiss, L. E. (Eds.). (2015). Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine: Science, Regulation and Business Strategies. John Wiley & SonsVertès, A. A., & Dowden, N. J. (2015). History of monoclonal antibodies and lessons for the development of stem cell therapeutics. Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine: Science, Regulation and Business Strategies, 665-692..

Vertès, A. A., & Dowden, N. J. (2015). History of monoclonal antibodies and lessons for the development of stem cell therapeutics. Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine: Science, Regulation and Business Strategies, 665-692.

Vertès, A. A. (2015). The potential of cytotherapeutics in hematologic reconstitution and in the treatment and prophylaxis of graft-versus-host disease. Chapter II: Emerging Transformational Cytotherapies. Regenerative Medicine, 10(3), 345-373.

Bayon, Y., Vertès, A. A., Ronfard, V., Culme-Seymour, E., Mason, C., Stroemer, P., … & Aras, R. (2015). Turning Regenerative Medicine Breakthrough Ideas and Innovations into Commercial Products. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 21(6), 560-571.

Bayon, Y., Vertès, A. A., Ronfard, V., Egloff, M., Snykers, S., Salinas, G. F., … & Kemp, P. (2014). Translating cell-based regenerative medicines from research to successful products: challenges and solutions. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 20(4), 246-256.

Vertès, A. A. (2014). Deciphering the therapeutic stem cell strategies of large and midsize pharmaceutical firms. Regenerative Medicine, 9(4), 479-495.

Bayon, Y., Ellison, S., Vertès, A., Ahmed, A., Coury, A. J., Campion, C., … & Hellman, K. B. (2013). Commercialization of regenerative products: the academic/industry partnership. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 20(4), 243-245.

Vertès, A. A. (2012). Syndicate innovation venturing: translating academic innovations into commercial successes. Challenges, 3(2), 70-83.

Vertès, A. A. (2010). Adoption of Therapeutic Stem Cell Technologies by Large Pharmaceutical Companies. The Delivery of Regenerative Medicines and Their Impact on Healthcare, 153-175.

Dr. Alain Vertès

Business Strategy Advisor

Managing Director at NxR Biotechnologies

Dr. Alain Vertès is Managing Director at NxR Biotechnologies, a global boutique consulting firm based in Basel, Switzerland, where he advises on strategy, business development (partnering, alliance management, in- and out-licensing, commercialisation), entrepreneurship and investment in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and sustainable chemistry industries. NxR's track record comprises projects with big pharmas, biotechs, generics companies, financial investors, CROs, academia, and start-ups.
・Battelle/PNNL Representative to Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical Association (1991- 1998)
・Editorial Board Member, Arid Land Management (1995-2015)
・Program Committee Member for BIO-sponsored World Congresses on Industrial Biotechnology and Pacific Rim Summits on Industrial Microbiology & Bioenergy (annually since inception of each series in early 2000s).
・Ad Hoc Peer Reviewer, Journal of Phycology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Annals of Botany, Applied Phycology, Soil Science, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, National Cancer Institute (Natural Products Branch, Developmental Therapeutics Division), Department of Agriculture
・Chair, 1996 Hanford Symposium on Health & the Environment. Microbial Genome Research: Science and Applications (early days of “shotgun sequencing”: J. Craig Venter was keynote speaker at Metting’s invitation.)
・Steering Committee Member, Gas Research Institute program on "Determination of Environmentally-Acceptable Endpoints for Soil Bioremediation" (1993-1995).
・American Academy of Microbiology Workshop on Strategies and Mechanisms for Field Research in Environmental Bioremediation (1993)

Teaching (1980s)

・Adjunct Faculty, Washington State University – Graduate level courses in Phycology and Soil Microbiology
・Columbia Basin College (Pasco, WA) – Introductory Microbiology

Dr. Alain Vertès

Business Strategy Advisor
Managing Director at NxR Biotechnologies

2014 Present Science Advisor, Utilization of CO Institute, Co., LLC, Japan
Global Advisory Board Member, The Global CO Initiative, San Francisco CA, USA
Consultant (1997-present), Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Japan
Consultant, Green Earth Institute Co., LLC, Tokyo
Co-Founder & Board Member (1979-present), R&A Plant-Soil, Inc., Pasco WA, USA
1990- 2014 Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland WA, USA.
PNNL is a US Department of Energy (DOE) Multiprogram Laboratory operated for the federal government by BMI, Columbus, Ohio
1993- 2014 Manager, PNNL Fundamental and Computational Sciences Product Line & Commercial Sector
1990- 1993 Senior Research Scientist, PNN
・At PNNL, Dr. Metting shared responsibility for program development and research oversight of biological and environmental sciences, including programs supported by the DOE Office of Science (DOE-SC), the National Institutes of Health and private industry. On assignment to DOE-SC, beginning in the 1990’s, he contributed to conceptualization, development and management of national programs in Subsurface Science, Natural & Accelerated Bioremediation Research (NABIR), Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration & Global Climate Science, and the GTL: Genomes to Life initiative, DOE’s pioneering microbial genomics program. Dr. Metting also participated in PNNL’s internal initiative in Bio-Based Products, culminating in the joint PNNL-Washington State University Bioproducts Sciences & Engineering Laboratory.
・From 2008-2011, Dr. Metting worked with Battelle-Malaysia to design a world-class Renewable Energy Laboratory for Petronas, the state oil company of Malaysia. He was responsible for the biological sciences component.
・ Dr. Metting served from 2004-2006 as Chair of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Microalgae Biofixation Network, predecessor to the Algae Biomass Organization (ABO).
1989- 1990 Project Scientist, Cyanotech Corporation, Hawaii, USA (microalgae products)
1988- 1989 Principal Microbiologist, Enviros Corporation, Redmond WA, USA (bioremediation)
1987- 1988 Research Associate, Tufts University Medical School, Boston MA, USA (molecular ecology)
1987 Participant in the US-India Science & Technology Initiative sponsored by the Agency for International Development, including microalgae research centers in Bangalore, Madurai and Delhi.
1979- 1987 Co-Founder & Vice President for Research & Development, R&A Plant Soil, Inc., Pasco, WA USA. Current member, corporate Board of Directors.
・R&A Plant-Soil was incorporated in 1979 as a microbial biotechnology company focused on mass culture of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria & soil-conditioning, palmelloid microalgae for organic agriculture. Dr. Metting secured Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and DOE, as well contracts from SERI, the Solar Energy Research Institute (since renamed NREL).
・The company transitioned to traditional & organic fertilizers in the 1990’s and remains profitable.

1979 Ph.D., Washington State University (Botany)
1975 M.S., Washington State University (Botany)
1972 B.A., Whitman College (Liberal Arts)
1984- 1986 University of Washington (MBA coursework, including Financial & Management Accounting)

Selected Publications: (> 40 total, including 25 refereed research articles)
(Selected to highlight breadth of research interests from Microalgae Biotechnology to Carbon Sequestration)

CT Garten Jr., DJ Brice, HF Castro, RL Graham, MA Mayes, JR Phillips, WM Post III, CW Schadt, SD Wullschleger, DD Tyler, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, R Matamala, RM Miller, KK Moran, TW Vugteveen, RC Izaurralde, AM Thomson, TO West, JE Amonette, VL Bailey, FB Metting, JL Smith. 2011. Response of “Alamo” switchgrass tissue chemistry and biomass to nitrogen fertilization in West Tennessee, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140: 289-297.

CT Garten, Jr., JL Smith, DD Tyler, JE Amonette, VL Bailey, DJ Brice, HF Castro, RL Graham, CA Gunderson, RC Izaurralde, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, MK Kerley, R Matamala, MA Mayes, FB Metting, RM Miller, KK Moran, WM Post, RD Sands, CW Schadt, JR Phillips, AM Thomson, T Vugteveen, TO West, and SD Wullschleger. 2010. Intra-annual changes in biomass, carbon, and nitrogen dynamics at 4-year old switchgrass field trials in West Tennessee, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 136: 177-184

M Huesemann, G Roesjadi, JR Benemann and FB Metting. 2009. Biofuels from Microalgae and Seaweeds. In: Biomass to Biofuels. Strategies for Global Industries. A.A. Vertes, H. Yukawa et al., (Eds.). Wiley & Sons, New York.

WM Post, JE Amonette, R Birdsey, CT Garten Jr., RC Izaurralde, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, R Lal, G Marland, BA McCarl, AM Thomson, TO West, SD Wullschleger, and FB Metting. 2009. Terrestrial Biological Carbon Sequestration: Science for Enhancement and Implementation. In (B. McPherson and E. Sundquist, Eds.) Science and Technology of Carbon Sequestration, Geophysical Monograph 183, American Geophysical Union.

B McCarl, FB Metting, C Rice (co-Editors.). 2007. Special Issue: The Science, Technology & Economics of Soil Carbon Sequestration for Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Climatic Change 80: 1-197.

NJ Rosenberg, FB Metting. RC Izaurralde (co-Editors). 2004. Applications of Biotechnology to Mitigation of Greenhouse Warming. Proceedings, 2 St. Michaels Workshop. Battelle Press, Columbus.

Metting, FB. 1996. Biodiversity and applications of microalgae. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 17, 477-489. (special volume) D. E. Eveleigh and J. C. Hunter-Cevera (co￾Editors).

MJ Graham, J.M Thomas and FB Metting. 1996. Groundwater. Chapter 11 In: Handbook of Water Resources. L. W. Mays (Editor-in-Chief). McGraw-Hill.

Metting, FB. 1994. Algae and cyanobacteria. Chapter 18 (pp. 427-458) In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3. Microbiological and Biochemical Properties. 3rd edition. R. W. Weaver et al. (Eds.) American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin.

Metting, FB. Editor. 1993. Soil Microbial Ecology. Applications in Agricultural and Environmental Management. Marcel Dekker, New York City. 646 pp. (Dr. Metting wrote or co-authored 4 chapters)

pre-1990: Contributed chapters to volumes entitled Algae and Human Affairs (Cambridge University Press), Micro-algae Biotechnology (Wiley Interscience), Applied Phycology (Klyuvier), The Rhizosphere (Wiley & Sons), Semi-Arid Lands and Deserts (2 chapters, Taylor & Francis); and refereed research articles in Applied & Environmental Microbiology, Applied Phycology Forum, Journal of Phycology, Phycologia (2), Arid Land Management, Soil Science (2), and Soil Science of America Journal.

Selected Activities:

・Board of Directors, Oregon Bioscience Association (representing Battelle Northwest Division/PNNL, 2002-2012)
・Battelle/PNNL Representative to Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical Association (1991- 1998)
・Editorial Board Member, Arid Land Management (1995-2015)
・Program Committee Member for BIO-sponsored World Congresses on Industrial Biotechnology and Pacific Rim Summits on Industrial Microbiology & Bioenergy (annually since inception of each series in early 2000s).
・Ad Hoc Peer Reviewer, Journal of Phycology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Annals of Botany, Applied Phycology, Soil Science, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, National Cancer Institute (Natural Products Branch, Developmental Therapeutics Division), Department of Agriculture
・Chair, 1996 Hanford Symposium on Health & the Environment. Microbial Genome Research: Science and Applications (early days of “shotgun sequencing”: J. Craig Venter was keynote speaker at Metting’s invitation.)
・Steering Committee Member, Gas Research Institute program on "Determination of Environmentally-Acceptable Endpoints for Soil Bioremediation" (1993-1995).
・American Academy of Microbiology Workshop on Strategies and Mechanisms for Field Research in Environmental Bioremediation (1993)

Teaching (1980s)

・Adjunct Faculty, Washington State University – Graduate level courses in Phycology and Soil Microbiology
・Columbia Basin College (Pasco, WA) – Introductory Microbiology

Dr. Alain Vertès

Business Strategy Advisor
Managing Director at NxR Biotechnologies

2014 Present Science Advisor, Utilization of CO Institute, Co., LLC, Japan
Global Advisory Board Member, The Global CO Initiative, San Francisco CA, USA
Consultant (1997-present), Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Japan
Consultant, Green Earth Institute Co., LLC, Tokyo
Co-Founder & Board Member (1979-present), R&A Plant-Soil, Inc., Pasco WA, USA
1990- 2014 Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland WA, USA.
PNNL is a US Department of Energy (DOE) Multiprogram Laboratory operated for the federal government by BMI, Columbus, Ohio
1993- 2014 Manager, PNNL Fundamental and Computational Sciences Product Line & Commercial Sector
1990- 1993 Senior Research Scientist, PNN
・At PNNL, Dr. Metting shared responsibility for program development and research oversight of biological and environmental sciences, including programs supported by the DOE Office of Science (DOE-SC), the National Institutes of Health and private industry. On assignment to DOE-SC, beginning in the 1990’s, he contributed to conceptualization, development and management of national programs in Subsurface Science, Natural & Accelerated Bioremediation Research (NABIR), Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration & Global Climate Science, and the GTL: Genomes to Life initiative, DOE’s pioneering microbial genomics program. Dr. Metting also participated in PNNL’s internal initiative in Bio-Based Products, culminating in the joint PNNL-Washington State University Bioproducts Sciences & Engineering Laboratory.
・From 2008-2011, Dr. Metting worked with Battelle-Malaysia to design a world-class Renewable Energy Laboratory for Petronas, the state oil company of Malaysia. He was responsible for the biological sciences component.
・ Dr. Metting served from 2004-2006 as Chair of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Microalgae Biofixation Network, predecessor to the Algae Biomass Organization (ABO).
1989- 1990 Project Scientist, Cyanotech Corporation, Hawaii, USA (microalgae products)
1988- 1989 Principal Microbiologist, Enviros Corporation, Redmond WA, USA (bioremediation)
1987- 1988 Research Associate, Tufts University Medical School, Boston MA, USA (molecular ecology)
1987 Participant in the US-India Science & Technology Initiative sponsored by the Agency for International Development, including microalgae research centers in Bangalore, Madurai and Delhi.
1979- 1987 Co-Founder & Vice President for Research & Development, R&A Plant Soil, Inc., Pasco, WA USA. Current member, corporate Board of Directors.
・R&A Plant-Soil was incorporated in 1979 as a microbial biotechnology company focused on mass culture of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria & soil-conditioning, palmelloid microalgae for organic agriculture. Dr. Metting secured Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and DOE, as well contracts from SERI, the Solar Energy Research Institute (since renamed NREL).
・The company transitioned to traditional & organic fertilizers in the 1990’s and remains profitable.

1979 Ph.D., Washington State University (Botany)
1975 M.S., Washington State University (Botany)
1972 B.A., Whitman College (Liberal Arts)
1984- 1986 University of Washington (MBA coursework, including Financial & Management Accounting)

Selected Publications: (> 40 total, including 25 refereed research articles)
(Selected to highlight breadth of research interests from Microalgae Biotechnology to Carbon Sequestration)

CT Garten Jr., DJ Brice, HF Castro, RL Graham, MA Mayes, JR Phillips, WM Post III, CW Schadt, SD Wullschleger, DD Tyler, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, R Matamala, RM Miller, KK Moran, TW Vugteveen, RC Izaurralde, AM Thomson, TO West, JE Amonette, VL Bailey, FB Metting, JL Smith. 2011. Response of “Alamo” switchgrass tissue chemistry and biomass to nitrogen fertilization in West Tennessee, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140: 289-297.

CT Garten, Jr., JL Smith, DD Tyler, JE Amonette, VL Bailey, DJ Brice, HF Castro, RL Graham, CA Gunderson, RC Izaurralde, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, MK Kerley, R Matamala, MA Mayes, FB Metting, RM Miller, KK Moran, WM Post, RD Sands, CW Schadt, JR Phillips, AM Thomson, T Vugteveen, TO West, and SD Wullschleger. 2010. Intra-annual changes in biomass, carbon, and nitrogen dynamics at 4-year old switchgrass field trials in West Tennessee, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 136: 177-184

M Huesemann, G Roesjadi, JR Benemann and FB Metting. 2009. Biofuels from Microalgae and Seaweeds. In: Biomass to Biofuels. Strategies for Global Industries. A.A. Vertes, H. Yukawa et al., (Eds.). Wiley & Sons, New York.

WM Post, JE Amonette, R Birdsey, CT Garten Jr., RC Izaurralde, PM Jardine, JD Jastrow, R Lal, G Marland, BA McCarl, AM Thomson, TO West, SD Wullschleger, and FB Metting. 2009. Terrestrial Biological Carbon Sequestration: Science for Enhancement and Implementation. In (B. McPherson and E. Sundquist, Eds.) Science and Technology of Carbon Sequestration, Geophysical Monograph 183, American Geophysical Union.

B McCarl, FB Metting, C Rice (co-Editors.). 2007. Special Issue: The Science, Technology & Economics of Soil Carbon Sequestration for Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Climatic Change 80: 1-197.

NJ Rosenberg, FB Metting. RC Izaurralde (co-Editors). 2004. Applications of Biotechnology to Mitigation of Greenhouse Warming. Proceedings, 2 St. Michaels Workshop. Battelle Press, Columbus.

Metting, FB. 1996. Biodiversity and applications of microalgae. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 17, 477-489. (special volume) D. E. Eveleigh and J. C. Hunter-Cevera (co￾Editors).

MJ Graham, J.M Thomas and FB Metting. 1996. Groundwater. Chapter 11 In: Handbook of Water Resources. L. W. Mays (Editor-in-Chief). McGraw-Hill.

Metting, FB. 1994. Algae and cyanobacteria. Chapter 18 (pp. 427-458) In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3. Microbiological and Biochemical Properties. 3rd edition. R. W. Weaver et al. (Eds.) American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin.

Metting, FB. Editor. 1993. Soil Microbial Ecology. Applications in Agricultural and Environmental Management. Marcel Dekker, New York City. 646 pp. (Dr. Metting wrote or co-authored 4 chapters)

pre-1990: Contributed chapters to volumes entitled Algae and Human Affairs (Cambridge University Press), Micro-algae Biotechnology (Wiley Interscience), Applied Phycology (Klyuvier), The Rhizosphere (Wiley & Sons), Semi-Arid Lands and Deserts (2 chapters, Taylor & Francis); and refereed research articles in Applied & Environmental Microbiology, Applied Phycology Forum, Journal of Phycology, Phycologia (2), Arid Land Management, Soil Science (2), and Soil Science of America Journal.

Selected Activities:

・Board of Directors, Oregon Bioscience Association (representing Battelle Northwest Division/PNNL, 2002-2012)
・Battelle/PNNL Representative to Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical Association (1991- 1998)
・Editorial Board Member, Arid Land Management (1995-2015)
・Program Committee Member for BIO-sponsored World Congresses on Industrial Biotechnology and Pacific Rim Summits on Industrial Microbiology & Bioenergy (annually since inception of each series in early 2000s).
・Ad Hoc Peer Reviewer, Journal of Phycology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Annals of Botany, Applied Phycology, Soil Science, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, National Cancer Institute (Natural Products Branch, Developmental Therapeutics Division), Department of Agriculture
・Chair, 1996 Hanford Symposium on Health & the Environment. Microbial Genome Research: Science and Applications (early days of “shotgun sequencing”: J. Craig Venter was keynote speaker at Metting’s invitation.)
・Steering Committee Member, Gas Research Institute program on "Determination of Environmentally-Acceptable Endpoints for Soil Bioremediation" (1993-1995).
・American Academy of Microbiology Workshop on Strategies and Mechanisms for Field Research in Environmental Bioremediation (1993)

Teaching (1980s)

・Adjunct Faculty, Washington State University – Graduate level courses in Phycology and Soil Microbiology
・Columbia Basin College (Pasco, WA) – Introductory Microbiology

Dr. Alain Vertès

Business Strategy Advisor
Managing Director at NxR Biotechnologies

Dr. Alain Vertès is Managing Director at NxR Biotechnologies, a global boutique consulting firm based in Basel, Switzerland, where he advises on strategy, business development (partnering, alliance management, in- and out-licensing, commercialisation), entrepreneurship and investment in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and sustainable chemistry industries. NxR's track record comprises projects with big pharmas, biotechs, generics companies, financial investors, CROs, academia, and start-ups.

Dr. Vertès came to this role after extensive experience in the pharmaceutical and industrial biotechnology sectors, in Europe, North America, and Asia in different functions including research, manufacturing, partnering, and sales, in pharmaceuticals (Lilly, Pfizer, Roche), petrochemicals (Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation), public research (Institut Pasteur; RITE/Kyoto), contract research (Battelle Memorial Institute, PPD/BioDuro) and consulting (Australian Strategic Policy Institute). Focusing on innovation commercialization, he was a key player in the evaluation, selection, deal making, implementation, and alliance management of novel products and emerging technologies. For example, he championed radical innovation for bringing to patients disease-modifying, paradigm￾changing therapeutics such as siRNA (Scrip Award 2008) and led in a scientific, strategic, and business manner Roche’s global cell therapeutics strategy and implementation team from 2007- 2010.

Dr. Vertès received an M.Sc. degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a PhD from the University of Lille Flandres Artois, and is a Sloan Fellow from London Business School (MBA/M.Sc.).

Relevant publications:

Vertès, A. A., Qureshi, N., Caplan, A. I., & Babiss, L. E. (Eds.). (2015). Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine: Science, Regulation and Business Strategies. John Wiley & Sons.

Vertès, A. A., & Dowden, N. J. (2015). History of monoclonal antibodies and lessons for the development of stem cell therapeutics. Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine: Science, Regulation and Business Strategies, 665-692.

Vertès, A. A. (2015). The potential of cytotherapeutics in hematologic reconstitution and in the treatment and prophylaxis of graft-versus-host disease. Chapter II: Emerging Transformational Cytotherapies. Regenerative Medicine, 10(3), 345-373.

Bayon, Y., Vertès, A. A., Ronfard, V., Culme-Seymour, E., Mason, C., Stroemer, P., … & Aras, R. (2015). Turning Regenerative Medicine Breakthrough Ideas and Innovations into Commercial Products. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 21(6), 560-571.

Bayon, Y., Vertès, A. A., Ronfard, V., Egloff, M., Snykers, S., Salinas, G. F., … & Kemp, P. (2014). Translating cell-based regenerative medicines from research to successful products: challenges and solutions. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 20(4), 246-256.

Vertès, A. A. (2014). Deciphering the therapeutic stem cell strategies of large and midsize pharmaceutical firms. Regenerative Medicine, 9(4), 479-495. ​

Bayon, Y., Ellison, S., Vertès, A., Ahmed, A., Coury, A. J., Campion, C., … & Hellman, K. B. (2013). Commercialization of regenerative products: the academic/industry partnership. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 20(4), 243-245.

Vertès, A. A. (2012). Syndicate innovation venturing: translating academic innovations into commercial successes. Challenges, 3(2), 70-83.

Vertès, A. A. (2010). Adoption of Therapeutic Stem Cell Technologies by Large Pharmaceutical Companies. The Delivery of Regenerative Medicines and Their Impact on Healthcare, 153-175.