More appealing animal protein

UCDI® Protein: an ideal protein for mental and physical health. We propose to not only reduce the environmental burden but also introduce a new food culture to the world.
Structure of Spinach RuBisCO image by Juanita on Wikipedia

Structure of Spinach RuBisCO
image by Juanita on Wikipedia


Rapid increase in demand for livestock products exacerbates the burden on the environment.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates (World Agriculture Towards 2015 / 2030) that the global livestock production increased 3-fold from 92 million tons in the late 1960’s to 300 million tons in 2015, and will reach 380 million tons in 2030.

Livestock production is a significant source of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to the FAO, total emissions from livestock supply chains were 6.53 gigatons CO2-eq per annum for the 2005 reference period. They represented 15.5 % of all human-induced emissions (42 gigatons CO2-eq for the year 2004; IPCC, 2007). In other words, GHG emissions from the livestock sector are larger than those from the transportation sector.

Particularly, providing beef is very resource-inefficient; moreover, bovines are responsible for large amounts of methane in the environment through emissions and feces, contributing to higher GHG emissions.


UCDI® Protein is a sustainable protein not shackled to livestock production. Moreover, the RuBisCo (Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase) protein abundant in UCDI® Hydrogen Bacteria, can enhance the secretion of serotonin (happiness hormone) and melatonin (sleep regulation hormone). RuBisCo can elevate tryptophan levels in the brain, contributing to increased happiness and better sleep.

UCDI® Protein is not just a sustainable protein but it is also a source of tasty ingredients that can contribute to good mental and physical health.

Through UCDI® Protein, we project to propose to the world keys to appealing animal protein with excellent taste characteristics and good for mental and physical health.