Conserving global fisheries resources
Diminishing fisheries resources demand new innovations in aquaculture techniques.
Rapidly rising demand for fish is driven by heightened health consciousness in Europe and America and increasing incomes in developing countries in Asia and Africa. The per capita consumption of fish in the world has almost doubled in the last 50 years and the demand for fish is expected to further increase in the future.
On the other hand, the size of natural fisheries resources continues to diminish. According to FAO, around 30% of all fish species of the world have been overfished; 60% have been fished to the limit of their sustainability. Only 10% have room for more fishing.
Although fish production by aquaculture has increased year over year since the 1990’s, 30 million tons per year must be added to the current production in order to meet the global demand by 2050.
UCDI® FEED is an alternative ingredient for animal protein targeted at aquaculture and livestock production. To begin with, UCDI® FEED is intended as a fishmeal replacement for use in aquaculture.
UCDI is a participant in the 2019 three-year Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Fisheries Agency) project titled, Development Plan of Domestic Alternative Ingredient for Fishmeal using Hydrogen Oxidizing Bacteria. We contribute UCDI® FEED samples and develop a production process. By so doing, we are helping to conserve domestic as well as international fisheries resources through technological development of UCDI® FEED.